Everyday, Forever
Edited on 7th December, 2019
Wake up. It’s a new day today. New experiences, new sights to see, new people to meet, new places to go
to, new activities, new feelings altogether. Today will be exciting and fun.
But what if that isn’t the case? What if each day feels the same. Did you have to wake up to live the
previous day? Questioning yourself every day - ‘What’s in it for me?’. Worse enough, what if it felt
like you only get if you give. You have to sacrifice some of your time, your space, your
moments, only for you to get back some joy, some feel-good factor of your own. Sometimes life can feel very
What could be the reason for feeling this way? Maybe that’s where the issue lies, this irreplaceable
dependency on external factors other than yourself to make yourself feel better. That could be natural, that
could be something which you have had for a very long time, but don’t have anymore. The feeling of not
having something just for yourself that brings you joy can be rather deserting.
But the point I am trying to draw out here is about maturity, and constancy of behavior, something that
I see a lot in our parents’ generation. They have unsatisfying, unfulfilling days as well, but their
daily work, thoughts, and behavior don’t change as much according to the dull times. They don’t slack
off. So how are they able to do it?
I could draw it down to two reasons. Firstly, their focus is shifted from their mental dissatisfaction to
large responsibilities like work, family, goals, etc. At that age, your responsibilities would be so
large that you naturally become fine tuned in such a way - to prioritize those duties
irrespective of the changing times. But secondly and more importantly, they build themselves and live life
more excitingly which turns out to be a method to compensate for the dull times. That’s right! They find
their own joy.
It isn’t simple, it just isn’t. First discovering what changes you can bring into your life, and
secondly understanding if that would bring you joy. Anything you do must always provide 3 factors - it
must be a sensible thing to do, it must bring you joy, it should have a positive impact
on you. That is what we all must aspire to bring naturally into our lives, changes that satisfy these 3 traits
at all times.
There is a reason why it's always better to be self-aware. An easy way out of anything would be to run
away from all this dissatisfaction, crumble the sensation inside and be ignorant to the truth that all this would
strike you over and over again. But no. We have the power of dealing with issues, we have the power to
bring about change in our own lives and it would be futile not to use it. Just never be careless about
it, ever.
It’s time for bringing about positive change in our own lives. I feel it now more than ever.